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Thursday, February 6, 2025, 7:50AM Weather and Travel update: 1F degrees in Pinedale as of the time of this report. WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY in effect for western Wyoming today through 11PM Friday. 3-8 inches of snow predicted for the Upper Green River Valley. Strong winds gusting up to 45mph forecast, creating blowing and drifting snow. Daytime high around Pinedale in the high 20Fs to mid-30Fs. Weather expected to clear out Saturday with sunny, but colder, days and nights next week. Nighttime lows with again dip into negative numbers over the weekend. Bundle up for the 10th Annual Pinedale Winter Carnival hosted by Main Street Pinedale this weekend, Friday through Sunday, Feb 7-9th: Skijoring, Cardboard Classic, Snowcross Races, Snowmobile Show, Hot Dog Eating Contest, Snow Ball, Awards Ceremony. More info at If traveling, carry emergency supplies in your vehicle, allow more time to reach your destination, and monitor road reports by calling 511 in Wyoming, toll-free nationwide: 1-888-996-7623, or go online to   
Pedigree Stage Stop Race
Pedigree Sled Dog Race Anny Malo, from Quebec, Canada, won Pinedale Stage 1 of the 2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race on Saturday, February 1st. The race runs from January 31 to February 8, 2025. The Pinedale Race Stages are Saturday and Sunday, February 1 & 2 in the Upper Green. The Big Piney/Marbleton Race Stages are Monday and Tuesday, February 3 & 4 from the Middle Piney parking lot. Photo by Pedigree Stage Stop Race.
Alix Crittenden from Bondurant, Pedigree Sled Dog Race, February 1 & 2, 2025
Stage 1 Alix Crittenden, from Bondurant, Wyoming, is competing in this year's Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race. She placed 3rd in the first Pinedale Stage on Saturday, February 1st. More info and race results at: Photo by Pedigree Stage Stop Race.
Gas Prices
January 4, 2025
Big Piney2.829
Regular unleaded average.
WY & US provided by AAA.
Diesel Prices
January 4, 2025
Big Piney3.599
WY & US provided by AAA.

Pinedale Local:

Nordic Ski Grooming Report – February 6, 2025
Nordic Ski Grooming Report – February 3, 2025
Youth Snocross races
Climb Wyoming workforce training program in Pinedale Feb. 19
Nordic Ski Grooming Report – February 1, 2025
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Ladies Lemonade Luncheon May 3
Bitter cold nighttime temperatures on the way

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January 31-Feb. 8: 2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race - Starts in Jackson, Wyoming ad runs in stages for a week. Stage Stops in Pinedale, Big Piney/Marbleton, Kemmerer, Lander, and final stop in Dubois. Each of the seven stops are hosted by local communities with special events. The loop races take place on trails on the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Spectators welcome. Follow the event at

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The Harpweaver
The Harpweaver comes to Pinedale February 15th (posted 2/4/2025)
Maeve Gilchrist
Pinedale Fine Arts Council
The Pinedale Fine Arts Council (PFAC) is proud to present critically acclaimed harpist Maeve Gilchrist live at the Sheppard Auditorium on Saturday February 15 at 7:00 p.m.

Described by one critic as "a phenomenal harp player who can make her instrument ring with unparalleled purity", Maeve Gilchrist has taken the Celtic (lever) harp to new levels of performance and visibility.

Born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, and currently based in New York, Maeve‘s innovative approach to her instrument stretches its harmonic limits and improvisational possibilities. She is as at home as a soloist with an internationally renowned orchestra as she is playing with a traditional Irish folk group or using electronic augmentation in a more contemporary, improvisatory setting.

For the Pinedale concert, Maeve will be performing as a duo (harp, guitar) and the program will be based around her Harpweaver Album. The performance will also include some brand new music that Maeve is workshopping in anticipation of her next record. The program is primarily instrumental but includes a few songs and also spoken word (as well as samples of the voice of Edna St Vincent Millay, the poet who inspired the Harpweaver album with her Pulitzer-award-winning poem, The Ballad of the Harpweaver').

Tickets for the February 15 performance are on sale now at local PFAC outlets (Office Outlets, Nested West & The Cowboy Shop) and online at .

2024 Mule Deer Fawns & Bucks. Graphics courtesy Wyoming Game & Fish.
2024 Mule Deer Fawns & Bucks. Graphics courtesy Wyoming Game & Fish.
Game and Fish conducts annual mule deer surveys (posted 1/4/2025)
Wyoming Range and Sublette herds continue to recover
Wyoming Game & Fish
Each winter, Wyoming Game and Fish Department personnel conduct aerial surveys to assess mule deer populations. In late December, wildlife managers in the Jackson and Pinedale regions took to the sky to record classification data for the Wyoming Range and Sublette mule deer herds.

Managers continue to evaluate mule deer recovery in the Wyoming Range and Sublette herds following the severe winter of 2022-23, which resulted in above-average mortality. The data collected from these surveys, along with data from ongoing research, provide valuable insight into population trends and assist managers with hunting season recommendations.

Long-term research on mule deer in the Wyoming Range Herd, conducted in partnership with the Monteith Shop at the University of Wyoming, indicated mule deer entered this winter in very good body condition. The average body fat percentage of adult females captured during the fall of 2024 was 12.9%, a slight decrease from the average during fall 2023 of 15.8%, which was the highest recorded since the study began in 2013. Last summer, researchers captured fawns on the ground in the Wyoming Range. The average birth mass of newborn fawns was 7.7 pounds, the largest measurement recorded since 2016, and nearly 1 pound larger than average birth mass across all previous years.

Weather patterns such as drought and extreme winters affect the quality and quantity of forage available to mule deer. Forage production and availability have significant impacts on the body condition of deer heading into winter.

"High precipitation zones that approach 30 inches or more on Wyoming Range mule deer summer ranges allow a diversity of plants to grow, which enables doe deer to produce and care for viable and healthy fawns before they migrate to winter ranges," said Gary Fralick, Game and Fish south Jackson wildlife biologist.

Additionally, the relatively mild and snow-free winter conditions over the last two years have resulted in high over-winter survival.

"Deer are able to disperse over the entire winter range because of the low snow accumulations, and therefore maximize the use of forage at elevations that approach 9,000 feet on winter ranges," Fralick said.

The high fawn crop and elevated survival rates heading into this winter were evident in the December aerial classification surveys. During these annual surveys, biologists and game wardens fly over winter ranges from a helicopter and tally the number of observed fawns, does, yearling bucks and adult bucks.

The population data for the Wyoming Range Herd includes hunt areas 134, 135 and 143-145. The December flight survey resulted in 4,902 mule deer counted and indicated a considerable increase in fawn ratios at 83 fawns for every 100 does, up from 34 fawns for every 100 does surveyed in 2023. These high fawn ratios are consistent with findings from the long-term research data that showed high survival of marked fawns last summer.

The overall buck ratio was up with 28 bucks for every 100 does. This is approaching the 30-45 buck-to-doe ratio objective. Yearling buck ratios increased to nine bucks for every 100 does, while adult buck ratios remained unchanged at 19 bucks for every 100 does. While the ratio of adult bucks remained stable, the increase in yearling bucks contributed to a rise in overall buck ratios for the herd.

In the Sublette Deer Herd, which includes winter ranges in hunt areas 130, 131, 138, 139, 140 and 142, biologists recorded 7,645 mule deer during the December flight survey. Similar to the Wyoming Range deer survey, there was a notable increase in the number of fawns observed. The classification survey indicated a fawn ratio of 76 fawns for every 100 does — the highest ratio observed since 2006.

The overall buck-to-doe ratio remains stable at 34 bucks for every 100 does, identical to the findings from 2023. The ratio of yearling bucks increased to 10 bucks for every 100 does, whereas the ratio of adult bucks decreased to 23 bucks for every 100 does.

"Both herds have demonstrated resilience in the past, quickly recovering from periods of high winter mortality. We witnessed this recovery in the mid-2000s and again from 2011-16 and 2017-22," Fralick said. "During those times, the mild and open winter conditions led to high over-winter survival rates for mule deer and rapid recovery of the populations."

As the Wyoming Range and Sublette herds continue to recover, wildlife managers will assess mule deer hunting season structures.

"As these herds recover, our hunting seasons will be adjusted to maximize opportunities while still meeting herd unit objectives, such as maintaining appropriate buck ratios," said Dean Clause, Game and Fish wildlife biologist for the Pinedale Region.

For more information about mule deer management in Wyoming, please visit the Game and Fish website:

Pedigree Sled Dog Race
Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race (posted 2/4/2025)
A major winter storm forced the cancellation of Sunday’s stage of the Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race due to heavy snowfall and sustained winds exceeding 30 mph. Competitors reconvened at the Middle Piney Trailhead Monday morning. A two-hour delay was implemented to allow heavy equipment to clear the road to the remote trailhead and enable Wyoming State Trails grooming crews to reset the 31-mile out-and-back course. Five-time champion Anny Malo once again posted the fastest time, further extending her overall lead. Stage Stop rookie Stéphane Roy from New Brunswick, Canada, finished second, followed by Bruce Magnusson of Michigan. Alix Crittenden from Bondurant, Wyoming placed 4th and Cathy Rivest finishing fifth to round out the top. Anny Malo remains in first place overall and will once again wear the yellow bib in tomorrow’s stage 3.

Race organizers announced that the stage canceled on Sunday will be made up by running the Lander-based trail out of Sinks Canyon — located in the eastern end of the Wind River Mountain Range — a second time on Thursday, February 6. This additional stage, originally designated as a travel day from Kemmerer, will maintain the overall race mileage at 215 miles and allow competitors to vie for the $4,167 in day money awarded to the top 10 finishers for each stage.

On Wednesday, February 5, Stage Four of the race will be out of Kemmerer. Teams will then move to Lander for Stages Five and Six, and finally, conclude with Stage Seven in Dubois—set against the stunning backdrop of the Gros Ventre and Absaroka Mountains bordering Yellowstone and the Teton Range.

The Pedigree Stage Stop Race draws top mushers and dog teams from across North America and Europe. This year's competitors are:
1. Michael Tetzner – Burg, Germany
2. Austin Forney – Leadville, Colorado
3. Chris Adkins – Canyon Creek, Montana
4. Michael Bestgen – St Cloud, Minnesota
5. Liam Conner – Loon Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada
6. Sarah Tarlton – Mountain, Wisconsin
7. Tim Thiessen – Leadville, Colorado
8. Al Borak – Newberry Michigan
9. Cathy Rivest – St-Paul-de-Joilette Quebec, Canada
10. Anny Malo – Saint Zenon Quebec, Canada
11. Alix Crittenden – Bondurant, Wyoming
12. Bruce Magnusson – Newberry, Michigan
13. JR Anderson – Buyck, Minnesota
14. Leonie Tetzner- Burg, Germany (rookie)
15. Dave Hochman -Carlowrie, Manitoba, Canada
16. Sean Hildreth – Bend, Oregon
17. Stéphane Roy - Noveau Brunswick, Canada

Each of the seven timed race stages are hosted by western Wyoming communities and take place on US Forest Service trails. Spectators and media are welcome to attend.

The total overall purse for the 2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race is $200,000 USD, making it one of the largest payouts in sled dog racing. Follow the race and find results and pictures at the following links:

Avalanche Warning in effect (posted 2/3/2025)
Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center
Monday, Feb. 3, 2025, 7:15AM: Heavy snow and strong wind have created very dangerous avalanche conditions in the mountains of western Wyoming. Slabs ranging from 1 to 3 feet in depth will be reactive to the weight of a skier or snowmobile. Natural avalanches are possible in wind loaded mid/upper elevation terrain and low elevation terrain where the snowpack is saturated from rain. Traveling in, near, or under avalanche terrain is not recommended today.

Yesterday (Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025) precipitation continued with the atmospheric river as temperatures increased during the day. Snow total over the last 24 hours was around 10" across all zones. Snow levels increased to between 7,000-8,000’, resulting in rain in the lower to middle elevations. Lower elevations weather stations reported 1" of rain. The majority of precipitation fell during the daylight hours.

Another pulse of moisture began early this morning, favoring the Tetons and Togwotee. Strong to gale force southwest wind ramped up yesterday to 20-40 mph with gusts 60-70 mph. Stronger southwest wind was recorded in the southern portions of the forecast area over 80 mph with gusts over 110 mph.

For current avalanche conditions for western Wyoming, visit

Photo courtesy Pedigree Stage Stop Race
Anny Malo, from Quebec, Canada, won Pinedale Stage 1 with the fastest time.
Stage 1 of Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race begins in Pinedale Feb. 1 (posted 2/1/2025)
Competing for a total prize purse of $200,000
Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race
Stage One of the Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race launched today (Saturday, February 1, 2025) at the Upper Green River trail head, located northwest of Pinedale, Wyoming. In challenging conditions marked by heavy to moderate snowfall, mushers completed a 34.5-mile out-and-back course that tested both their skill and endurance.

The Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race is a unique, stage-format competition featuring seven distinct legs along various US Forest Service trails throughout western Wyoming. Each stage is hosted by a local community — including Jackson, Pinedale, Big Piney/Marbleton, Kemmerer, Lander, and Dubois — fostering a strong bond between the race and its host regions. The Pinedale stage is held on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

Key details of the race include:
Team Composition: Each musher begins with a pool of 16 dogs and may run up to 12 dogs on any given day.
Course Format: Every stage is an out-and-back course ranging between 27 and 34 miles, with competitors finishing at the starting trailhead.
International Competition: This year, 17 teams from the United States, Canada, and Germany are competing.
Purse: With a total prize purse of $200,000, the Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race stands as one of the largest sled dog sporting events in the world.

With Stage One complete, the competitors have established their initial rankings and now face the challenge of maintaining or improving their positions over the next six stages. The race will resume on Sunday morning at the same venue before moving on to Big Piney and Marbleton for Stages Three and Four.

In today’s action, five-time champion Anny Malo from Quebec, Canada, clocked the fastest time by completing the course in 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 3 seconds at an average speed of 14.9 MPH. As the stage winner, Malo will proudly wear the yellow bib in Stage Two tomorrow.

A public Meet & Greet was held in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library from 6:00-7:00PM.

The top five positions after Stage One are:
1. Anny Malo – Quebec, Canada
2. Stéphane Roy – New Brunswick, Canada
3. Alix Crittenden – Bondurant, Wyoming
4. Cathy Rivest – Quebec, Canada
5. Bruce Magnusson – Newberry, Michigan

The daily race schedule is as follows:
February 2 – Stage Two – Pinedale, Wyoming.
February 3 – Stage Three – Big Piney / Marbleton, Wyoming.
February 4 – Stage Four – Big Piney / Marbleton, Wyoming.
February 5 – Stage Five – Kemmerer, Wyoming.
February 6 – Travel Day.
February 7 – Stage Six – Lander, Wyoming.
February 8 – Stage Seven– Dubois, Wyoming.

From Pinedale on Sunday, mushers and teams head to Big Piney for the Big Piney/Marbleton Stages 3 and 4. Teams will race Monday morning from the Middle Piney parking area – spectators welcome. There will be a Musher Meet & Greet at 6:00PM Monday evening at the Southwest Sublette County Pioneers Senior Center featuring their now-famous Dutch Oven delight dishes. Everyone welcome. Teams will then have a second race Tuesday morning starting from the Middle Piney parking area. From Big Piney, teams will head to Kemmerer for Stage 5.

For a complete listing of current standings, information about the race, or stage details, please visit

About the Pedigree Stage Stop
The Stage Stop Sled Dog Race is a 50 I (c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote healthy and active lifestyles for people and their pets. By showcasing the strong bond and dedication between humans and canine participants, the aim is to inspire people to enjoy the outdoors with their animal companions. Pedigree® brand dog food became the title sponsor in 2000 and continues to support the event and its mission.

Wyoming Senior Olympics
Wyoming Senior Olympics 2025 Feb. 20-22 in Pinedale (posted 2/1/2025)
The Wyoming Senior Olympics 2025 Winter Games will be held in Pinedale Thursday through Saturday, February 20-22. The games are for people 50 years of age or older by December 31, 2025. Games are sponsored by the National Senior Games Association. Register by February 9, 2025. For information and registration, visit

Thursday, Feb. 20:
1:00PM: Singles Pickleball

Friday, Feb. 21:
8:00AM-5PM: 1 Mile Walk
8:00AM: Women’s Doubles Pickleball
9:00AM: Nordic Classic (2.5K, 5k, 10K)
1:00PM: Swim Meet
1:00PM: Men’s Doubles Pickleball
Celebration Banquet, guest speaker: Dr. Uriah Gracia-Salinas, banquet ticket included with registration

Saturday, Feb. 22:
8:00AM: Mixed Doubles Pickleball
9:00AM: Nordic Freestyle (2.5K, 5K, 10K)
1:00PM: Snowshoe Races (2.5K, 100 Meter)
5:00PM: Pickleball Skinny Singles

WY State Superintendent supports U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX announcement (posted 2/1/2025)
On Friday, January 31, 2025, the U.S. Department of Education announced that the 2020 Title IX rules will be reinstated to replace the 2024 rules proposed by the Biden administration.

The Wyoming Department of Education said in a statement released Friday, "The 2020 rules better guarantee due process for students and staff involved in Title IX investigations and confirm that individuals are protected based on their biological sex assigned at birth."

"This is great news from the Trump administration as we continue to work on protections for women in Wyoming, including several bills currently before the Legislature. This is about safety and fairness and I will never stop fighting for our girls," said Wyoming State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder.

Title IX is a federal civil rights law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. This law protects people from discrimination based on sex in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government. Under the Biden administration, the 2024 Title IX Final Rule expanded the definition of "sex-based harassment" to include harassment based on sex characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex stereotypes, and pregnancy, among other changes.

Low cost insulin program available to Wyoming citizens (posted 1/30/2025)
Office of the Attorney General
As announced in October, Attorney General Bridget Hill reminded Wyoming citizens of the settlement agreement with Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC (Sanofi), which guarantees that Wyoming citizens not enrolled in government health care programs can buy Sanofi’s insulin products for $35 per month for the next five years and directed citizens to a website to help them enroll in the program.

The terms of this settlement are now in effect. and Wyoming has launched a website for Wyoming consumers to obtain low-cost insulin as a result of the settlement. The settlement requires Sanofi to provide insulin products—including Admelog, Lantus, Toujeo, and Apidra, and any biosimilar of those products that Sanofi markets in the U.S.—at $35 per monthly prescription for customers choosing to pay with cash.

To take advantage of the pricing, consumers will need to register for a savings card via Sanofi. Consumers can find all links and necessary information at the following website:

In addition to the $35 monthly prescription rate, Sanofi has agreed to implement an enrollment message program to assist pharmacists and patients in determining eligibility for its low-cost insulin. The system will alert patients about this low-cost alternative at pharmacy counters throughout the State when patients are filling their prescriptions. Lastly, Sanofi has also committed to continuing its Patient Connection Program that provides free insulin to Wyoming citizens in financial need. Wyoming consumers can sign up for this Patient Connection Program at the following website:

Rocky Mountain Power Foundation gives grants to support arts and cultural organizations (posted 1/30/2025)
Rocky Mountain Power Foundation
Local organizations who provide music, theater, festivals and connections to local history are vital to their communities. They create beauty, unite people across cultures, generate jobs and foster the creativity needed to tackle complex problems. To support this crucial work, the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is donating $276,450 in new grant funding to community-serving organizations in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho.

The grants will help fund a variety of projects, including free arts events and education; community celebrations of cultural heritage; art education and festivals for kids; and programs for Indigenous students and rural youth.

"Local programs like these play a crucial role in nurturing and uplifting community organizations who not only provide essential support to their neighbors, but also inspire and connect us all, reminding us of the strength we share together," said Dick Garlish, director of the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation and president of Rocky Mountain Power.

This recent round of grants focused on art and culture is one of the foundation’s four annual grant cycles.

A total of 66 grants were given to local organizations in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. A sample of grants includes:

Wyoming-based organizations
• Ark Regional Services
• Artcore, Inc.
• Lander Art Center
• Laramie Plains Civic Center
• Relative Theatrics
• Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
• Pinedale Fine Arts Council
• Rock Springs Main Street / Urban Renewal Agency (URA)
• Lander Performing Arts
• Wyoming PBS Foundation
• Roundhouse Restoration Incorporated
• Sweetwater County Child Developmental Center
• The Arts Inc
• Elk Mountain Volunteer Fire Department
• Washakie Museum

Corporate Transparency Act BOI reporting update – Jan. 26, 2025 (posted 1/26/2025)
Beneficial Ownership Information report for small businesses still not currently required
Pinedale Online!
As of January 24, 2025, FinCEN has announced that reporting companies are still not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinEN and are not subject to liability if they fail to do so while a recent federal court order remains in force. Reporting companies may still voluntarily submit their BOI reports.

From the FinCen website (update January 24, 2025): "On January 23, 2025, the Supreme Court granted the government’s motion to stay a nationwide injunction i5ssued by a federal judge in Texas (Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc. v. McHenry—formerly, Texas Top Cop Shop v. Garland). As a separate nationwide order issued by a different federal judge in Texas (Smith v. U.S. Department of the Treasury) still remains in place, reporting companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN despite the Supreme Court’s action in Texas Top Cop Shop. Reporting companies also are not subject to liability if they fail to file this information while the Smith order remains in force. However, reporting companies may continue to voluntarily submit beneficial ownership information reports."

As court challenges have gone back and forth, the Biden Administration’s Department of the Treasury extended the filing deadline to January 13, 2025. However, other rulings placed a nation-wide injunction on enforcement. If the court challenges ultimately fail, affected business will need to file this report with FinCEN. With this filing requirement, small business owners face jail time and fines of up to $10,000 for not reporting who their owners are. The court battles continue into the new year. It is uncertain at this time if newly sworn-in President Donald Trump will weigh in on this regulation.


Pedigree Stage Stop Race
Pedigree Stage Stop Race
2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race begins Jan 31 (posted 1/26/2025)
Stages from January 31 to February 8, 2025
The 2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race will be held from January 31 to February 8, 2025. Opening ceremonies begin Friday, January 31st in Jackson, Wyoming. This premier "stage" format sled dog race is hosted by area communities. The Stage Stop Race aims to promote healthy and active lifestyles for people and their pets. By showcasing the strong bond and dedication between humans and canine participants, our aim is to inspire people to enjoy the outdoors with their animal companions. Teams race on public lands of the Bridger-Teton, and Shoshone National Forests, competing for $200,000 in prize money & the elusive title of "Stage Stop Champion." Follow the event at

Friday, January 31 – Jackson Hole
Vet Check, 9:00AM-1:00PM. Opening Ceremonies, 5PM, Jackson Town Square downtown Jackson. 6:30PM First team leaves the Chutes.

Saturday, February 1 – Stage 1: Pinedale, Wyoming, Upper Green Race start 9AM Upper Green parking lot / Musher Banquet, 6PM, Lovatt Room, Pinedale Library. Everyone invited. Meal $8/adults, $5/kids.

Sunday, February 2 – Stage 2: Pinedale, Wyoming, Upper Green, race start 9AM. Spectators welcome.

Monday, February 3 – Stage 3: Big Piney/Marbleton, Wyoming, Middle Piney parking lot, 9AM / Musher Banquet, 6PM, Southwest Sublette County Senior Center, Marbleton

Tuesday, February 4 – Stage 4: Big Piney/Marbleton, Wyoming, Middle Piney parking lot, 9AM

Wednesday, February 5 – Stage 5: Kemmerer, Wyoming, Hams Fork trailhead at end of the Hams Fork Road, 9AM

Thursday, February 6 – Stage 6: Lander, Wyoming, 9:00 am. Race Start Louis Lake Road parking lot, Hwy 28 on South Pass. Alternate Start Weather Permitting Bruce's Bridge Sinks Canyon. Musher Meet & Greet 5:30PM on the 200 block of Main Street in downtown Lander.

Friday, February 7 – Stage 7: Dubois, Wyoming Race Start, 9AAM, Louis Lake Road parking lot, Hwy 28 on South Pass. Alternate Start Weather Permitting Bruce's Bridge Sinks Canyon. Meet the Mushers & Dogs 4-6pm at Town Park

Saturday, February 8 – Stage 8: Dubois, Wyoming 9:00AM race start at Sheridan Snow Oval. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Local dogsled team rides or watch the demonstrations at Double Bar J Ranch. 6:00 pm: Headwaters Arts & Conference Center - Snow Dogs Movie. 6:00pm: Community dinner hosted by local guest ranches at the Dennison Lodge.

Big game applications open for Wyoming 2025-26 hunting season (posted 1/21/2025)
Wyoming Game & Fish
Applications are open to hunt this year in Wyoming. Elk, deer, pronghorn, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat and spring turkey applications opened January 2. The deadline to apply for licenses varies based on residency and species:

Nonresident elk: January 31
Resident and nonresident spring turkey: January 31
Resident and nonresident moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat: April 30
Resident and nonresident deer and pronghorn: May 31
Resident elk: May 31

Nonresident elk applicants can modify or withdraw their applications through May 8. Wild bison applications open March 1 and close April 30. Fall turkey, trapping, sandhill crane and Springer pheasant applications open April 1 and close June 2.

Applicants are encouraged to utilize the Game and Fish website to plan their hunts before applying, including the Hunt Planner ( and drawing odds ( Hunters can learn more about the draw, including ways to leverage their first, second and third choice licenses, in the Wyoming Wildlife magazine article Understanding the Draw.

Chronic Wasting Disease found in Elk Hunt Area 98 (posted 1/15/2025)
Wyoming Game & Fish
PINEDALE, WYOMING — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has detected the presence of chronic wasting disease in an adult female elk from Elk Hunt Area 98. The elk was found dead on the Scab Creek feedground at the end of December. Department personnel investigated and removed the carcass after sampling the elk.

Elk Hunt Area 98 is located in the Pinedale region and is bordered by three CWD-positive elk areas: 28, 92 and 127. This is the third documented case of CWD in the hunt area and the first confirmed case of an elk testing positive on a feedground.

The disease is 100% fatal to infected deer, elk and moose. Continued monitoring of CWD over time is important to help Game and Fish understand the potential impacts of the disease, as well as evaluate future management actions. Department personnel will continue to closely monitor feedgrounds for elk showing signs of CWD.

Scab Creek feedground will be included in the Department’s first Feedground Management Action Plan (FMAP) process this year. This process will explore both long-term and short-term opportunities to reduce elk reliance and disease transmission risks on feedgrounds.

Please visit the Game and Fish website for more information on chronic wasting disease testing, transmission and regulations on transportation and disposal of carcasses.

Pinedale's new Critical Access Hospital will open summer 2025
Sublette County Health to open new Hospital July 1, 2025 (posted 1/14/2025)
Sublette County Hospital District
PINEDALE, WYOMING — Sublette County Health is thrilled to announce the opening of its new hospital facility on July 1, 2025, marking a transformative milestone in healthcare for Sublette County. The hospital will feature eight beds, enabling patients to remain close to home for overnight stays. New radiology services will include advanced imaging options such as MRI, mammography, and DEXA scans. Under the leadership of Interim CEO Greg Brickner, the organization is committed to enhancing healthcare services and uniting its team under a shared vision of quality care.

Greg Brickner, who joined Sublette County Health after serving as CFO at Hot Springs Health in Thermopolis, shared his enthusiasm for the upcoming transition: "Our future is bright, and I’m excited to work together as we prepare to open this state-of-the-art facility. Over the past 12 weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of working with our dedicated team to define our purpose, priorities, and vision for the future."

To guide this effort, Sublette County Health has outlined three key priorities:

1. Day One Ready With the new facility opening in approximately 165 days, the team is diligently focused on finalizing every detail to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. Countdown clocks placed throughout the organization reflect the collective excitement and dedication to achieving this milestone. Sublette Center residents are scheduled to move in August 2025, shortly after the hospital opens, allowing for a peaceful transition while minimizing the disruptions associated with the hospital's opening day.

2. Creating "One Team" Sublette County Health encompasses the Sublette Center, Pinedale Clinic, Marbleton Clinic, EMS, and the new hospital. Despite operating in multiple locations, the organization is committed to functioning as a single, unified team. "The county entrusted us to provide unified healthcare under one umbrella, and we will honor that by aligning our goals, fostering collaboration, and working together," Brickner emphasized.

3. Focusing on Quality of Care Building on the Sublette Center’s 5-star rating, the new hospital will maintain a steadfast commitment to excellence. Quality care remains at the heart of the organization’s mission, ensuring accountability and trust with the community it serves.

Sublette County Health is dedicated to being the healthcare provider of choice for the residents of Sublette County, offering exceptional care to friends, family, and neighbors.

For more information about the new facility and ongoing initiatives, please check out our website at

About Sublette County Health
Sublette County Health operates the Sublette Center, Pinedale Clinic, Marbleton Clinic, and EMS services, providing comprehensive care to the community. The new hospital will expand services, including DEXA scans, mammograms, and MRIs, ensuring residents have access to advanced healthcare close to home.

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