Funnel cloud
Photo taken around 1:22PM on Sunday, September 4, 2016. View looking northeast of Merna, Wyoming (west of Daniel). Photo by Randy Foster.

Large hail
Large hail approximately 1-1/2" in size landed at the time of the tornado on Sept. 4th northeast of Merna. Photo by Troy Fieseler.
Funnel Cloud - Tornado
Northeast of Merna, Northwest of Daniel on Sunday, Sept. 4, 2016
September 5, 2016
Several people reported seeing a funnel cloud northeast of Merna, west of Kendall Valley, around 1:22PM on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 4th. ______________________________
Editor's update, Monday morning, Sept. 5th: Troy & Terry Fieseler sent in more photos of debris from the path of the tornado on Sunday, September 4th on the Rim Ranch northeast of Merna, which is northwest of Daniel. On-the-ground observations indicate the path was approximately 100 yards wide and damage was limited to aspen and conifer trees as well as a couple of fences, they said.
Editor's note, early Monday, Sept. 5 We cannot tell from the photographs we received if this actually touched the ground. If it did, it would be a tornado. We have not heard any reports of damage.